Your First Visit
When you enter Latitude Church, you will see a Latitude Kids entrance directly to your left. When entering, you’ll find yourself in the Latitude Kids check-in area. You will see two check-in counters: two to the left, and one to the right. If it is your first time visiting, make your way to the counter on the left. One of our team members will meet you there and help you get your children’s information entered into our system. That team member will then help direct you and your children to their specific meeting space.
We will ask for the following personal information: family members’ names, children’s names and birthdates, address, phone number, and any special instructions (allergies, special needs) for your child.
Your child’s name will be printed, along with a number, on two matching identification stickers. One sticker is for you to keep and the other sticker is for your child to wear. You will need to show your identification sticker in order to enter any Latitude Kids zones.
When you come to Latitude Church for the first time, visit the First Time Guest table in the parking lot on your way in. A team member will be there ready to walk you through this entire process, as well as show you around the church, and help get you and the rest of your family where you need to go!